Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The First Post of Many!

   So about me, i'm a whole lot of things mixed together haha. To be a little more specific, I am a girl who loves to be loved by Yahweh, and I just can't describe how happy it makes me to Love my God because to me, He is my father! He has blessed me with all of the incredible things I have in my life and He loves me enough to protect me from all of the things in this world that were too evil for me to handle.
I come from a medium sized family with two brothers and two sisters that I love very much even though i'm not close to all of them. But what I really appreciate is that I was very close with a lot of my siblings when I was younger and the older ones always seemed to have my back and made sure I was happy and safe! My older sister took a lot of care of me when I was little which means a lot to me, becuase even when we're not close now or having a little fight, I know it will be ok because of how much I love her and vice versa. :)
One thing big about me is I love to make people smile :) whether that be from a stupid joke or from just being hyper old me, it makes me happy to see others smile and to know that I cheered someone up, even a little bit.
I have always been into art, I haven't actually taken an official art class since elementary school, but I love to paint and draw! I like old, classic kind of paintings, like recreations of old black and white photographs from the twenties anywhere to the fifties, anything before that is too old school "serious faced, bearded men" for me and anything after that is too modern for me :P But thankfully Yahweh chose to guide me into my calling early in life and let me discover how much I love first aid and helping people who need the help because they are sick or injured :) Because of this passion, I have chosen to become a paramedic :)
But, I must adventure off into the unknown, I shall be back again fellow bloggers!

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