Friday, 4 May 2012

A Thought

   Hello World,

      I had a thought today as I was walking through the hallway. It was a worried thought, one of those thoughts that makes you hot under the collar, the kind that forces your stomach to do miniature back flips, flips flops and what have you. What was I thinking you ask? I thought am I perhaps greedy?
    I love to hear people's stories, in fact, when I meet a new person I get excited to hear their stories. I anticipate the day we sit down languidly and discuss our pasts. I could perhaps learn something about this new friend that I could never have imagined to be true, something that may perhaps help shape my worldview or at least give me a new perspective into how they may have felt. It is just fascinating to hear what journey each person has lead, where their footsteps are stained invisibly into the sidewalk, where their heart has learnt of sorrow, where it has learnt of joy.

   I continued to ponder my thought and I have realised, I have something to share. I am a greedy, greedy person, but not the nasty kind of greedy, but rather the sweet kind. (At least I would like to call it that ;) ) I am greedy to empathise, to lend both my ear and my heart. I want nothing more than to be there for others and to listen to where life has taken them if they so kindly wish to share. I like to listen to these long and often winded tales not so that I have more stories to tell about whom I have met, but because I feel it enriches me; what better exercise than to walk a mile in another's shoes?

                                                                                                             May 4, 2012.

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